What is Cryotherapy? Cryotherapy can be any type of cold therapy that exposes the body to very cold temperatures. Cryotherapy can include using cold ice packs, submerging part of your body in an ice bath, or using a cryosauna or cryotherpy chamber. Cryotherapy can be local to a certain area of the body, or…
Mind & Body
My new diagnosis. My new reality
My new diagnosis. My new reality. I feel scared. I feel uncertain. I feel numb. I feel relief. I feel fear. I feel sadness. I feel grief. I feel hope. Tears keep coming on and off no matter how hard I try to stop them. For so many years now, I’ve known there was…
My birth story
Tears of joy. Tears of pain. Pain in all kinds of places. Joy in all the right places. The miracle of enduring unimaginable, excruciating pain with the reward of a precious new life is simply breathtaking. Just more proof for me that God is real. God is alive. God is in control. My birth story…
8 ways I naturally boosted my fertility
8 ways I naturally boosted my fertility At twenty (20) years old, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Endometriosis can be a very painful often debilitating condition in which the lining of the uterus can implant itself outside of the uterus in other areas of the body and on other organs. It can wreak havoc on…
The Benefits of Acupuncture
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is an alternative or holistic medical practice that originated in China. It is estimated that acupuncture has been used in China for well over 2,000 years. The practice of acupuncture involves placing very small needles on targeted areas of the skin to treat and improve health conditions. It has been proven…
Fragrance can be harmful to your health
Fragrance is absolutely everywhere. It is extremely hard to avoid these days. If you aren’t wearing cologne, perfume, or aftershave, you are probably smelling it somewhere as you walk down the street or pass someone in a store or office. Stores have scented candles, laundry detergents, air fresheners and more. People are wearing fragrance in…
The Benefits of Hypnosis
There are so many misconceptions about hypnosis. I for one was a skeptic. I’ve seen so many movies of people being hypnotized into doing silly or crazy things. It looked a little scary and downright weird. I’ve watched people walking around clucking like a chicken on command. They seemed to have no control over their…
Most people had not seen or heard of cupping until Michael Phelps, winner of 23 gold medals in swimming, proudly wore some purple or red circular marks on his back and arms during the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Many Hollywood actresses have also stepped out onto the red carpet showing their markings. I was excited…
How prescription opioids became my poison
The President of the United States declared a national public health emergency in August 2017 to address the opioid (also known as narcotics) crisis in our country. People are dying at an alarming rate from prescription opioid use, abuse, and illegal use. The crisis is affecting everyday people like myself in chronic pain who…
Supplement Spotlight: Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that doesn’t get enough attention by the medical community. It is critical for our health. Magnesium is responsible for more than 300 chemical reactions in our bodies. All of the cells in the body depend on it. A lot of factors can deplete magnesium in our bodies such as stress, certain…