There are so many misconceptions about hypnosis. I for one was a skeptic. I’ve seen so many movies of people being hypnotized into doing silly or crazy things. It looked a little scary and downright weird. I’ve watched people walking around clucking like a chicken on command. They seemed to have no control over their body or actions. I’d come to the conclusion that it wasn’t for me.
You may recall from Office Space, one of my favorite movies, that the main character, Peter, goes to hypnotherapy and gets hypnotized because of the unhappiness he’s experiencing in his life and his job. His hypnotist happens to have a heart attack during his session and was never able to complete his session. So, Peter became permanently hypnotized (remember now, it’s a movie!). He was so relaxed, calm, and happy that he completely changed his life. He blew off almost everything including work, but he ultimately discovered more of what he wanted in life. He got rid of a lot that he didn’t want. Of course there’s more to that story and it is fiction, but I’d say hypnosis can be powerful, if it is utilized correctly with a professional.
After all I’ve been through medically, I’ll try just about anything now. So, in the Fall of 2017, I tried hypnosis for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised.
Hypnosis can be described as a trance like state in which your physical body becomes relaxed, still and calm, but the mind is engaged and more focused. Hypnosis allows the rest of the world to be tuned out. The mind can be more open to suggestions while under hypnosis. However, control over your body is not lost while under hypnosis. If you’ve ever done relaxation or mediation of any kind, I’d say those practices are similar and not too different.
Hypnosis or hynotherapy has been proven to aid in reducing unwanted behaviors such as smoking and overeating, coping with anxiety, pain, depression or grief, assisting in stress management, improving sleep issues, reducing fears and phobias and more. It has helped many business people become more successful at work. It is a wonderful tool that can be used by those that choose or need to try a natural route over prescription medications or other more aggressive medical techniques.
At my initial appointment, the hypnotist talked to me for a while to get to know me. He got right to the issues I wanted to attack. He asked hard questions that really made me think. Then, he incorporated my issues into my hypnosis sessions. I saw him for six total sessions.
He didn’t use a tool or pendulum that swung back and forth to help me relax. I simply closed my eyes. He had me lay back in a recliner. He guided me into relaxed state by using various visualizations during our sessions such as walking down a staircase, walking along a beach, and more. During hypnosis he suggested better ways to handle my issues, fears, anxieties, and chronic pain. He talked about my wants and dreams. He talked about happier times in my past, present, and future. I can assure you at all times I was in control, and I could’ve opened my eyes and stopped, if I’d been uncomfortable. Oddly enough, it was a comforting, nice feeling. Each hypnosis session was recorded, and I was emailed a version of each one to use at home.
When you’ve been through continued trauma physically or mentally over and over again year after year, your brain can get stuck in a negative pattern, no matter how hard you try to break free of it. Positive visualizations of my past, present and future through the use of hypnosis have been very helpful. I visualize times as a teenager when I was in much better health. I was playing tennis. I was running. I was strong and fit and seemed to have no physical limits unlike my life today. I visualize playing tennis or running again in the future. I visualize my daughter kissing my pregnant belly (this was before I had a miscarriage and my current pregnancy). I visualize my hopes and dreams, even if they seem unattainable. I see myself as a happy person. I see myself feeling better, looking healthier, and enjoying life more. The hypnosis is helping me restore hope for my future and enforcing letting go of worry, uncertainty and fear that I often feel because of my health. Hypnosis for me is reinforcing the life I want instead of the life I may be emotionally or physically living now. It also gives me hope for today, no matter what my circumstances are.
Anytime I practice hypnosis, I feel calmer. It usually reduces my physical pain some, even if just temporarily and improves my mood. I remember saying to the therapist “But what if I can’t get pregnant again or run again? Won’t I be sad if I visualize these things that may never happen?” He basically said “Okay, so what would happen if you couldn’t? You’d get over it or deal with it, right? So, there is no harm in hoping.” Those words spoke so loudly to me. I’ve suffered so much disappointment and sadness in my life with illness that I constantly try to protect myself from more disappointment. That train of thought interferes with happiness and hope. I’m trying to change that.
Our brains and our minds can be very powerful even when our physical bodies feel out of control and weak. Our minds can overcome or improve symptoms and emotions we may face, even if just for a 30 minute period during the day.
To do my sessions on my own, I lay on a bed or sofa in a quiet room where I won’t be disturbed. I put my phone on vibrate or turn it completely off, which is preferred. I close my eyes and turn on a session. All I do is lay down and listen. I often fall asleep during my sessions, so I usually set an alarm if I have to be somewhere or if it is during my workday. These sessions can be done anytime and also at bedtime if you have trouble falling asleep.
I now practice hypnosis several times a week. On especially bad days, I use my longer sessions and sometimes do them twice a day. It is easy to let this priority slip with all of the other million things I need to do in my day, but it is a form of medicine for me. I’ve found it to be truly vital for my overall healing.
If lasting results are truly wanted, it is important to note that hypnosis requires regular practice. It is a process that builds each time it is used. Your body goes into a deeper relaxed state each time you do it. Completing five to six hypnosis sessions with a hypnotist is great, but daily practice of hypnosis on your own is recommended to see lasting change. The frequency of sessions needed and how often to do it on your own will be very individual. I find that every day is how much I need it, but I can’t always make that happen. I usually settle on four to five times a week.
Hypnosis isn’t a cure for all issues, and it hasn’t been for me. However, when I’m consistent, I’m better equipped to handle my pain, my work, my life and my family. I’m calmer when facing every day challenges and stresses and don’t feel as worried about what may happen next with my health. It calms down my nervous system and my brain, which can become overtaxed from chronic daily pain. It calms my fears too that can also be overwhelming from pain. It slows down my breathing and lowers my blood pressure, which gives my body some downtime and rest. Hypnosis can give our mind and body a short, daily vacation from whatever it is we have going on, especially during times of significant physical or emotional hardship or trauma.
It has been said that hypnosis techniques can sometimes improve conditions and issues faster than regular psychotherapy sessions. It also may require less money over time and less visits overall. The bonus is the capability to complete sessions in your own home too. It takes very little effort to lay down and listen to a recording. The hardest part is making time in your everyday life to do it.
So, I hope if you are lost today in a world of pain of any kind, you’ll consider this type of therapy. I can’t vouch for all hypnotists, but I can tell you my experience was well worth it. This is a much more preferred treatment over traditional therapy or medication for me. I’ll continue to utilize it indefinitely in my daily life.
I strongly recommend seeing Sean Wheeler, if you are close to metro Atlanta, GA. He was wonderful. I immediately felt at ease. He got to know me, cut to the chase, dug deep into the issues, and tried to make an immediate impact for me. Here’s his website if you’d like to learn more about him.