My new diagnosis. My new reality. I feel scared. I feel uncertain. I feel numb. I feel relief. I feel fear. I feel sadness. I feel grief. I feel hope. Tears keep coming on and off no matter how hard I try to stop them. For so many years now, I’ve known there was…
chronic illness
My birth story
Tears of joy. Tears of pain. Pain in all kinds of places. Joy in all the right places. The miracle of enduring unimaginable, excruciating pain with the reward of a precious new life is simply breathtaking. Just more proof for me that God is real. God is alive. God is in control. My birth story…
Real Life is………
Real life is when my tears turn into smiles. Real life is long, heartfelt hugs that I didn’t know how much I needed. Real life is bribing my child to take just one nice picture to convince others my family is “normal”. Real life is doing endless loads of laundry and never ending dishes while…